Do you know categorical achievements from various levels ?


Dukh or Sukh (Grief or Relief) are the only gains in between the world and the body. There is nothing else to get from this material world. World is the storage of Dukh (grief) and body is the source of Sukh (relief). The Self (Jeeva) is a pedulam between the two.The eye used in this field for seeing material objects is called bodily eye or Sthool Drishti.


Beyond the body and upto the Self, there lies Aanand (Pleasure). Pleasure is ever superior than happiness or enjoyment and is 1000 times better than the bodily relief or Sukh. Aanand is derived from the Self (Jeeva) and not from the body. For Aanand, one has to remain in touch of the field of the Self. When the Self tocuhes its own field, it gets Aanand. The eye to see through in this field is called 'Subtle Eye (Sukshma Drishti)'. The Subtle Eye is bestowed by 'Incarnated Sadguru' ONLY and none else.


Beyond the Self and upto the Soul, Bliss is ascertained. Bliss is combined form of Peace and Pleasure (of double unit). Pleasure of the Self is also available here. Aanand without Peace is derived from the Self, but Aanand with Peace is the outcome from the Soul. Bliss is 1 million times better than Pleasure. The Eye used in this field is known as 'Divine Eye (Divya Drishti)' which is bestowed by 'Incarnated Sadguru'. Spiritual Preachers (Gurus) can also bestow this Eye. Liberation and Immortality are not at all found in this level.


Eternal Bliss is unlimited times superior than anything else. Eternal Bliss is Truth, Peace and Pleasure (triple unit). All the achievements of down levels are available here in Eternity as fractions. Eternity is gained while beholding Khuda-GOD-Bhagwan-Sat Siri Akaal in one's front with Eternal or Supremely Eye (Gyan Drishti or Tattva Drishti) who is beyond any Action (Karma) or Practice (Sadhana or Kriya) but within surrendered devotion and service (Annanya Bhakti aur Seva). Liberation and Immortality is ascertained in this level and no where else. This is the paramount goal of our human life. Gyan Drishti or Supremely Eye is bestowed by 'Incarnated Sadguru' ONLY and none else.

---- Sant Gyaneshwar Swami Sadanandji Paramhans